Body-Mind-Spirit - Inspiration for Writers, Dreamers, and Seekers of Health & Happiness
![]() Huge numbers of people show at jobs every day that they’re less than thrilled to be working. Some of us may be in that camp. Some not. But most creative writers, regardless of other jobs they have or work they do, are lucky to engage in work they love. Writing is a passion. We may not always love what we do, but writing is something we have to do. The late Scott Dinsmore, creator of Live Your Legend, asked, “What’s the work you cannot not do?” What’s the work that even when you’re not doing it you think you should be? What’s the work that when you put it off it keeps nudging you? What’s the work that really matters to you? Most writers would respond to these questions with a single word: “writing!” So we’re doing what we love, which is a big first step toward living your dreams, and yet the writing life is rough. There’s much we can’t control. Recently, a student emailed me this quote on persistence by novelist Denise Pattiz Bogard:
“I’ve been getting lots of congrats on my book. And yes, I am proud of The Middle Step. But I believe I’m most proud of my persistence. Since age 20 I’ve dreamed of being a novelist. In my 40s I went back to school and got a Masters in Fine Arts in Creative Writing. I wrote a novel, After Elise, obtained an agent, got some interest but no contract offer. The book went into the desk drawer and I wrote another book, got a new agent, rewrote the book, rewrote the book, rewrote the book. It had four titles, two agents, multiple passes. The main character had three names. New characters appeared in subsequent drafts. Middle chapters were dropped or added. I never gave up. And that’s what I’m most proud of. So now I can tell all my writer friends and writer students: believe in your work, be willing to go back to it and improve, and don’t give up on your dreams.” This was Dinsmore’s message too. Not only shouldn’t you give up on your dreams, the world needs people actively making their dreams come true. Imagine what the world might look and feel like if the majority of people loved their work? Think how that would change the overall energy of people everywhere. Dinsmore said it would be revolutionary. And the revolution has begun! More and more people are refusing to settle for autopilot lives and are instead seeking authenticity. There are clear-cut ways to go about living a unique and meaningful life. Proven techniques, which improve the quality of your life and your writing. Here are several that I’ve experimented with myself:
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